Front View
Body in side stance and both
hands in a
guard position.
Sight is to the front. |
Step behind kicking leg with
other foot, keeping hands in
guard position. |
Move hip forward and lift
kicking leg
as high as possible, keeping kicking foot directly under
knee. |
Thrust kicking leg to side by
hip to target. Toes of kicking foot
should be pointing slightly down and heel of supporting foot
facing target. |
Retract hip and kicking leg to
intermediate position |
Return kicking leg
to side stance position
Note that two positions before the
kick are identical to two positions after the kick (1 & 6), (3 & 5).
This demonstrates balance and consistency in execution of technique.
In the
photos below |
indicates movements
to be performed |
indicates movements
already performed |
Incorrect Foot
Position On Contact With Target
Toes pointed forward |
Front of foot higher
than heel.
(Hip and supporting foot not turned far enough) |
Correct Foot
Position On Contact With Target