

Hu Gul Ssang Soo Choong Dan Mahk Kee - Back Stance Two Fist Middle Block
Master Ricardo Longinotti, 7th Dan
National Director - Tang Soo Do Mi Guk Kwan - Argentina


Front View


Side View

Ready stance with feet  pointing forward, back straight and hands in front of waist and line of sight forward.


Twist hip away from direction of attack as you bring both hands to rear (right side) of waist near belt with palm facing body.

Inhale as you begin technique.

Quickly snap hip towards direction of attack with power as your left fist begins a circular motion across your body towards attacker and your right fist begins an upward motion across body and palm side turning towards you.
Finish turning in direction of attack, locking the hip as you complete the circular motion of left fist with palm side facing you and right hand completes the upward motion with fist ending near opposite elbow with palm side facing you.

Editor's Note:
In some schools the right hand pushes against the opposite elbow and is used as a reinforced block.

Left knee and foot end at 90 degrees
to right foot and knee.

Weight is distributed 80% on back leg with only ball of front foot touching floor.

Exhale at end of technique.

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