About the
Jang Nim Daniel Segarra, 7th Dan, was a personal student of Grandmaster
Hyun Chul Hwang, the son of Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan's founder.
Master Segarra has developed a unique style of Tang Soo Do called
Moo Sa Do Kwan. He is the author of numerous martial arts books and
publications and has been featured in numerous martial arts
magazines. For more information about Moo Sa Do Kwan, you can visit
his website at
History of Grandmaster Hwang Kee's Belt System
"Many Tang Soo Do
practitioners have often wondered about the origin of the Moo Duk
Kwan belt ranking system beyond the basic explanation promoted in
most organizations. Here are my thoughts, ideas and understanding
about the belt ranking system, it's beginning's and philosophy."
Originally, when Grandmaster Hwang Kee demonstrated Hwa Soo Do on
October 14, 1959, he was photographed wearing a simple white belt.
I'm not sure if that was consistent through his development of Hwa
Soo Do, but after he met and consulted with other, more successful
martial artists such as Lee Won Kuk, he definitely adopted the Gup
and Dan rank system.
The red stripe started in 1960 and symbolized Neh Gang Weh Yu or
Strong Inside, Gentle Outside Um/Yang philosophy. Grandmaster was a
dedicated student of the
I Ching
and philosophy. If you notice on the Korean flag (Tae geuk gi) you have the Red/Blue Um/Yang
and the Trigrams, all of which are two upper bars with a center bar
(Heaven, Earth, Water, Fire).
trigram bars have a different bar in the center. The
a solid line and the
a broken line. The Red stripe was inspired by this Um/Yang philosophy.
Remember, the Grandmaster was born during the Japanese occupation and
the South Korean flag was banned during Hwang Kee's youth.
"The flag was
first adopted as a symbol by the kingdom of Korea in 1882. During the
Japanese rule of Korea (1910-1945), the flag was banned. The tae geuk gi
was used as a symbol of resistance and independence during the Japanese
occupation and ownership of it was punishable by execution"
The flag was a deep source of pride for him and encompassed the martial
art philosophy (ship sam seh) in its design.
geon |
sky |
spring |
east |
humanity |
father |
metal |
justice |
ri |
sun |
summer |
south |
courtesy |
son |
fire |
wisdom |
gam |
moon |
winter |
north |
intelligence |
daughter |
water |
vitality |
gon |
earth |
autumn |
west |
righteousness |
mother |
earth |
fertility |
If you were to draw the trigram for water in it's Um/Yang colors it
would look like this:

Look familiar? Also note that there are
four seasons, and guess what colors they represent? Yep.
and Blue/Black,
the original belt ranking system. (Orange was added later
in 1975)
Also note the color represents
When translating the Moo Do Chul Hak, one of my meetings with then
Master H. C. Hwang, we discussed Hwal, which he translated as
vitality. He stressed the importance of the concept when translating the
Moo Do creed written by his father;
Moo Do Creed (Moo Duk Kwan
Hun Jang)
purpose of Moo Do is Hwal - to cultivate ourselves
Moo Do does not end in offense or defense
It is one step further, the purpose is life itself
Even facing the enemy, our goal is to save them
The principles of Moo Do are the principles of Nature
Guided by Moo Do we may achieve the goal of Hwal in the principles of
To do so we must concentrate, stress the beauty, line and speed, and
study scientifically
To provide all this is our creed.
- Hwang Kee
Interestingly, in the current translation of the Chor Hak, they don't
translate Hwal. They just say Hwal as in "The purpose of Moo Do is Hwal,
to "cultivate ourselves", which I found odd since Grandmaster H.C. Hwang
stressed how important it was/is. My interpretation of Hwal was living life
to our fullest, i.e., exploring our full potential. Hwal is made up of two
characters - water and tongue, meaning if you had a wet tongue you
were alive.
Remember the Moo Duk Kwan was constantly being developed and tweaked by
Grandmaster Hwang Kee. In 1945 Korea was liberated but was a
decimated mess that only five years later was at war with itself until
1953. Then tons of political corruption under Rhee until in 1960 he was
thrown out after the uprising. So imagine having the largest martial art
organization in Korea when all of this is going on. Keep in mind, Grandmaster
Hwang Kee was falsely charged with being a traitor, hunted, eventually
captured and tortured (waterboarded). So he had his hands full during
the development of the Moo Duk Kwan.
Kano Jigoro |
The Gup, Dan
ranking system was developed by Kanō Jigorō, 28 October 1860 -
4 May 1938)
the creator of Judo. Prior to that there were no ranking
systems other than in the military which sometimes established rank or
function by the color of the uniforms. Since the belts were part of the
uniform, they occasionally matched the color of the uniform.
Evidence of this is
the indigo trimmed uniform and belt the Grandmaster came across in a museum,
and which he
based the Moo Duk Kwan uniform after.
Kano based his Dan and Gup (Kyu in Japanese) from the Game of Go. Go, known in Chinese as Weiqi and in Korean as Baduk,
is an ancient board game for two players that is noted for being rich in
strategy despite its simple rules.
In Go, rank indicates a player's skill in the game. Traditionally, ranks
are measured using Gup/Kyu and Dan grades, a system which also has been
adopted by many martial arts, not just Tang Soo Do.
Go Ranks
Rank Type |
Range |
Stage |
kyu |
30-20k |
Beginner |
kyu |
19-10k |
Casual Player |
kyu |
9-1k |
Intermediate/Club Player |
Amateur dan |
1-7d (where 8d is special title) |
Expert Player |
dan |
1-9p (where
10p is special title) |
Professionals |
Note the Dan
Ranks range from 1-9 with 10th being a special title similar to most
martial arts ranking systems. Kano's original use of the Kyu/Dan was
eventually used by Funokoshi (Shotokan's founder) and made its way to
Korea via the Koreans that trained in Shotokan and Judo (Yudo in
Korean). The Gup system was simply a reversal of the Dan ranking.
Starting at 10th Gup you progressed by eliminating numbers and as you
reach Dan you climbed up the numbers. There are all kinds of
philosophical concepts that fit with this like empty your cup from full
to empty (Gup ranks) then filling it (Dan ranks) etc.
* Kano's system was 1st to 4th Dan as testable ranks with 5th or above
being honorary Dans only.
Originally, Menkyo (Korean/Meon Ho) a form of certificate(s) was used
before the use of belts came into play. It distinguished one's place in
a school or art long before anyone ever thought about the use of belts.
Typically classical schools (koryū) usually use the menkyo
system while schools which base their practice on budō forms
("path, or way") typically use the Kyu/Dan. Schools in Japan usually
were classified either as koryū or Gendai budō, meaning
"modern martial way", which are modern martial arts that were established
after the Meji Restoration (1866-1869). Koryū are the opposite: ancient
martial arts established before the Meiji Restoration (sword arts,
archery and battle field arts for example).
Back to Korea
Originally, many Dan members in Korea wore Black belts simply because
there was an assimilation of different Kwans into the Moo Duk Kwan and
they brought that with them, which eventually was standardized into the
Midnight Blue. Even most 'Black' belts were Indigo Blue that was due to
the fact that Indigo was the primary dye until Black dye began being
imported from Europe.
A fact most people don't know is that originally in Korea, you were not considered a 'Master'
until 5th Dan.