Master Frederick Scott
8th Dan

Frederick Scott, 8th Dan, is founder of the
Traditional Tang Soo Do International
and Chief Instructor of Amkor
Karate Institutes. Master Scott began
training in Tang Soo Do in 1972 and
founded the Amkor Karate Institutes in 1977. Since then,
six of his direct students, all of whom hold Master level
rank, have established additional Amkor schools throughout
the state of Pennsylvania. Currently Master Scott has
affiliated schools in the United States, United Kingdom,
South Africa, and Australia. Recognized both Nationally and
Internationally as one of the leading American instructors
of Traditional Tang Soo Do, Master Scott's achievements as a
competitor, instructor and tournament promoter and organizer
are well documented. Master Scott is a published author on
the art of Tang Soo Do and has produced several television
and internet events on the Martial Arts.
Although Master Scott's teaching philosophy has always
emphasized the preservation of Tang Soo Do as an art form,
he believes traditional training can be enhanced and
supplemented with sport competition. His unique blending of
traditional training with competitive experiences has
enabled his students to compete and win at the highest
levels of both Korean and Japanese organizational
competition at both the National and International levels.
This very special methodology of teaching has given his
students opportunities to travel abroad and have experiences
that have enriched their lives in addition to earning
respect worldwide for Traditional Tang Soo Do International
and the Amkor Karate Institutes.
Master Scott's
expertise is also highly prized by professional athletes and
has served as a consultant to the Philadelphia Flyers, the
Philadelphia Phantoms, Philadelphia 76ers, and several NFL
players. In addition to his work with athletes, he has also
served as a consultant to the Disney Institute in the
creation of a self-defense program for their
state-of-the-art sports complex in Orlando, Florida and has
taught Tang Soo Do at the University level at both Penn
State and Neumann University. In August of 2004, Master
Scott traveled to Athens, Greece, as a member of the NBC
broadcast team broadcasting Olympic Tae Kwon Do competition
back to the United States.
While in the
United States Army during the Vietnam War, he lived in
Okinawa and has trained with many of the most knowledgeable
Asian Masters in the world today. Master Scott trained and
received his Tang Soo Do credentials from the highest
ranking Moo Duk Kwan practitioners in the world, including
Grandmaster Hwang Kee, Grandmaster Jae Chul Shin,
Grandmaster Kang Uk Lee, and Grandmaster Andy Ah Po. In 2012
Master Scott was given special recognition as a senior
consultant to the American Tang Soo Do Association and the
United Tang Soo Do Congress as a senior consultant and
promoted to 8th Dan by Grandmaster Richard Byrne. Over the
years Master Scott has been an honored guest at many Okinawan, Japanese, and Chinese seminars and clinics taught
by the highest authorities on these Martial Arts in the
world. He has also served on the board of directors of
several prominent Martial Arts organizations.
Master Scott's recognizes Master Hyun Chul Hwang as the
instructor who instructed him to technical maturity while a
member of the United States Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan