Tang Soo Do World is a personal project of mine which had its genesis in 2006 to further the awareness of
the art of Tang Soo Do (Soo Bahk Do). Following one full year of
research and data accumulation, the site was launched on March 1, 2007.
Tang Soo Do World is
certainly not the first website offering Tang Soo Do information, but
with nearly 600 pages, it
is the most comprehensive and most often used resource currently available
on the internet for Tang Soo Do practitioners. Owing to its popularity,
it has enjoyed a first page ranking on search engines for the last six
years and as of August 2014, it averaged over 20,000 monthly visits and
has been viewed in over 185 countries.
The worldwide school and organization
directories as well as the events calendar are the core
of the site, with nearly 1,300 listings at present.
Directory is a useful tool for prospective students
looking for a school to begin training, for those who are moving or for
travelers who may want to train while away from home.
In the
Organization Directory you will find listings for all
the major Tang Soo Do member organizations, and some you may not have
been familiar
with. If you're interested in knowing when and where tournaments and
seminars are being held, then the Events Calendar will
provide basic information with links to the organizers' websites for
further details and registration information.
You will
also find extensive articles, news, reference material, photos, videos
and biographical information on the key people in Tang Soo Do. The
challenge has always been and will continue to be keeping this
information current, accurate, and original. Since there is no staff,
submissions from readers on topics than can educate,
stimulate and enlighten are welcomed and encouraged.
My own martial arts training
began in New York in 1981 with Kyokushinkai and then Isshinryu until
1987 when I discovered and began studying Tang Soo Do under Masters Darrell Schulze and his
instructor Master Young Ki Hong, son-in-law of the late
Great Grandmaster Hwang Kee. Since 2000, with my original instructors no longer active in
Tang Soo Do, I continued training independently until August 2008, when I was accepted as a direct student
Grandmaster Andy Ah Po.
During the week of August 4th, 2014 I underwent intensive training and testing
under Grandmaster Ah Po in
Sacramento, California, and have been awarded my 6th Dan in the
Tang Soo Do Martial
Way Association.
I thank you for visiting the
site and hope that you find it interesting and informative.
Master Constantino Terrigno
Owner /
Editor - Tang Soo Do World
feel free to contact me at