Dull Ryo Cha Gi -
Roundhouse Kick
Master Ricardo Longinotti,
7th Dan
National Director - Tang Soo Do Mi Guk Kwan - Argentina
Front View
Body in left foot forward
fighting stance and both
in a
guard position.
Shift hand position while moving
your right hip forward |
Lift right knee up high to the
and pivot hip forward. Supporting
leg pivots slightly and right knee
points to target. |
Using quick twisting motion of hip,
snap kicking foot forward and fully
pivot on supporting leg so heel
points towards target. |
Retract hip and kicking leg to
intermediate position |
Return kicking leg to rear
into a fighting stance
Note that two positions before the
kick are identical to two positions after the kick (1 & 6), (3 & 5).
This demonstrates balance and consistency in execution of technique.
In the
photos below |
indicates movements
to be performed |
indicates movements
already performed |
Correct Foot
Position On Contact With Target
Direction of energy to
target |
Ball of the foot
contacts target |
Right side view -
application to solar plexus |
Left side view - application to solar plexus |
Application to
opponent's jaw
using instep |
Application to
opponent's jaw
using ball of foot |
Application to
opponent's temple
using ball of foot |