

How to Tie The Belt
by Master C. Terrigno - 6th Dan
Editor - Tang Soo Do World

There are two methods used to tie the belt.
Method 1 is the traditional, most often used and results in the belt crossing over at the back.
Method 2 results in a smooth, single line at the back. Both are shown here.

Method 1

1. Start by finding exact center of belt

2. Place center of belt on middle of body

3. Wrap the belt once around and back to the front

4. Place left side over right 

5. Tuck left side under and pull up behind both layers

6. Tug slightly to tighten

7. Place right side over left

8. Loop under other end to make knot

9. Pull sideways to tighten belt fully

10. Belt ends should be of equal length

11. Belt crosses over at rear.


Some schools teach Step # 4 as right side over left first followed by left over right. The only difference is the final knot will be reversed. Consult your instructor on which option to use.

Stripes must end up on left side of body. To achieve this, begin with stripe side of belt in your right hand and it will finish correctly.



Method 2

1. Start by holding end of belt near left side

2. Wrap around body back to front

3. Wrap around body a second time

4. Place left side over right 

5. Tuck left side under and pull up behind both layers

6. Tug slightly to tighten

7. Place right side over left and loop under other end

8. Pull sideways to tighten belt fully

9. Belt ends should be of equal length

10. Rear will be smooth rather than crossed

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