Training in Korea
Part 1 of 5
By Master Todd Huddleston
- 8th Dan
Yonsei Martial Arts Academy, New Orleans, LA
Editor's Note: This
article was written and submitted to Tang Soo Do World in July 2008.
Master Huddleston lost his life in a motorcycle accident on February 5th,
I started
training in Tang Soo Do in 1978 under Master Myoung Kuk Park. I was so inspired by
him that I decided
to walk in his shoes. I visited Korea for the first time in 1990 after
my junior year in college and returned to live there in 1992 after I went to
graduate school. I went to further my knowledge of the martial
arts but I wound up gaining a whole lot more in the seven years I was
there, including meeting my wife, becoming fluent in Korean as well as having a better understanding
of Korea's long history and its culture. This story is a small glimpse
of what I experienced while training there.
Meeting Grandmaster Hwang Kee
Prior to my going to Korea
to train, I had never met Grandmaster Hwang Kee, nor did I know very much
about him. There were pictures of him at headquarters and "Plaques of
Appreciation" from him addressed to my instructor dating from the early
1970's, but my instructor never mentioned him. I only heard about him
from another black belt at my school who was doing research on my
Master's lineage.
One morning as I was
preparing to leave the school after training, I went upstairs to pay
respects to the Head Master as is customary. I knocked on the door and
waited. Not hearing a reply I opened the door. Scanning the room
I didn't see the Head Master but I did see an old, frail-looking man
sitting in a chair reading a book. Not knowing who he was, I wasn't sure what to do. Since he
was older, I decided to bow no matter who he was. I couldn't go wrong by
bowing for even if he was just an old man, it would be the correct thing
to do. In Korea, younger people always bowed to elders out of
respect. I bowed in the proper manner expecting to get the customary
"grunt" in return, but what happened instead surprised me. The gentleman
stood up, looked at me and bowed. I closed the door and left not
thinking anymore about it. Later, I found out that the man was
Grandmaster Hwang Kee.
The next time I saw the
Grandmaster I was participating in a black belt testing. It was May
1995. The Grandmaster sat at a table in the front of the room and was
wearing a blue suit. The table had a banner stretched across it
describing the day's event. Other masters who were grading the test sat
to the side of him. The test began and Grandmaster got up and addressed
us briefly, mostly talking about the 50th anniversary of Tang
Soo Do that we were celebrating that year.
The test then took
place with me going up last since I was the highest rank. When my name
was called, I got up and preformed the required forms and one step
sparring techniques, ending with a jump spinning hook kick
over my partner's head. I was then asked, in Korean of course, to
compare my Tang Soo Do training in the United States with that in Korea and
to give my thoughts on it.
The test ended with
students and masters lining up to bow to the flag and then to the
Grandmaster. We then made two lines forming a walkway for the
Grandmaster to exit. This was another formality always done
out of respect. As the Grandmaster started to leave he headed
directly for me, passing up all high-ranking masters, and put his hand
out to shake mine. I was shocked and surprised for who was I among
all these people? I quickly extended my hand and then bowed, humbled
by the experience. The Grandmaster then left the room, with everyone
else looking at me in envy. My friend captured the significance of
the moment in the photo at right. Considering I didn't even know
what Grandmaster Hwang Kee looked like when I came to Korea, he had
bowed to me twice, shook my hand once and told me "good job". And I
had a picture to prove it.
The last time I had an
experience with the Grandmaster was during the 50th
anniversary celebration later that year. People from around the world
had come to Korea to attend the ceremony. Opening day festivities took
place in sort of convention center on the outskirts of Seoul. The
ceremony started with various individual and team demonstrations and ended with the introduction of the Grandmaster. I was waiting
on the fourth level watching the event from afar, when who
then bumps into me as they announced his name?
Hwang Kee himself as he was being escorted down to the stage. He bowed
to me and shook my hand again before moving on. Wow! Once more I
was in the right place at the right time.
Note: It was not proper etiquette to
simply walk up to the Grandmaster and
say hi and shake his hand. The only way you came into contact with
him was if he chose to come into contact with you. I am also very
fortunate to have Hwang Kee's "Do jang" stamped in my Tang Soo Do Dae
Gam (manual). Koreans only use this personal stamp on important
documents, so it is rarer and more sought after than an autograph.
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -
Part 5